Opinion Archives - Pelican Patriots https://pelicanpatriots.com/category/opinion/ Louisiana Citizen Journalism and Watchdogs Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:52:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230848825 The Halderman Report and the Vulnerabilities of Voting Machines https://pelicanpatriots.com/2023/07/07/halderman-report-confirms-we-must-eliminate-voting-machines/ https://pelicanpatriots.com/2023/07/07/halderman-report-confirms-we-must-eliminate-voting-machines/#respond Fri, 07 Jul 2023 21:12:17 +0000 https://demos.codetipi.com/zeen-news/?p=542 The Halderman Report is out, and it confirms what election integrity experts have said for years. It is past time to move on from voting on vulnerable computers back to a more secure paper-based system. It is a low-tech solution to the problems of a high-tech world. It is also basically the law. Louisiana Act 480 in 2021 mandated that we have a full, human-readable ballot for every vote cast. Adding expensive, vulnerable computers on top of that and between […]

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The Halderman Report is out, and it confirms what election integrity experts have said for years. It is past time to move on from voting on vulnerable computers back to a more secure paper-based system. It is a low-tech solution to the problems of a high-tech world. It is also basically the law.

Louisiana Act 480 in 2021 mandated that we have a full, human-readable ballot for every vote cast. Adding expensive, vulnerable computers on top of that and between you and your ballot is a waste of time, money ($100 million worth + service costs), and leaves our elections wide open to manipulation.

Below is a letter you can send to your Clerk of Court, encouraging them to reject voting computers and move to a secure paper system.

Paper is the way.

The post The Halderman Report and the Vulnerabilities of Voting Machines appeared first on Pelican Patriots.

https://pelicanpatriots.com/2023/07/07/halderman-report-confirms-we-must-eliminate-voting-machines/feed/ 0 542